Become Java Developer


Java developer is still one of the most popular professions and a target for IT graduates. Why is that?

One of the reasons why this particular profession is still being discussed is of course because the Java programming language is the most widely used by programmers.Java developer itself is a profession whose main task is to develop Java programs needed to build a website or application.Many employers are looking for candidates who already have a Computer Science background to fill this profession.

Indeed, for Computer Science graduates the opportunity will be opened wider. The reason is, they already have some basic knowledge needed to do Java developer tasks.

Apart from that, work experience is also very much needed in this profession. Not only about theory, this job also requires the ability to go directly in the field.

In addition, this profession also has quite a variety of other job responsibilities.

  • Design, implement, and maintain Java applications. Write well-designed, efficient, and testable code.
  • Contribute to all phases of development.
  • Perform software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging.
  • Manage Java application development and Java EE.

There are two types of skills required by Java developers, namely technical hard skills and some special soft skills.

Hard skills

1. Core Java

Java developers are required to master Core Java. When you master this one thing, it will certainly pave your way for a career as a Java developer.

2. Java build tools

In carrying out its duties, this profession also really needs to use a special tool that can be useful to support its work.

3. Web technology

Web technology provides convenience and speed to help create dynamic web content.

Having the ability to master web technologies such as HTML, JQuery, and CSS will help you to understand the techniques for building communication between several computer systems through markup languages.

4. Big data

A Java developer should also be familiar with big data technology. The reason is, this technology will help you to analyze and extract information from complex data.

5. Java testing tools

Using Java testing tools such as Selenium and TestNG will help Java developers to test JSP pages and web applications.

Soft skills

1. Communication skills

The first soft skill a Java developer needs to master is communication skills.

When you have mastered this one skill, of course, it will be easier to express your ideas

2. Want to learn new things

If you want to become a reliable Java developer, you must always learn new things because there are no limits to knowledge.

3. Dedication

Willing to work hard and have high dedication are also very necessary to undergo this profession.
